Weigh Tape
Regular price £5.00WeighTape
Your WeighTape allows you to estimate the weight of your horse or pony either by 1. using a simple length measurement or 2. By using a formula to calculate your horse's weight.
1. Use the Horse side of the tape for those animals 14.2 hands high or taller or the Pony side of the tape for those shorter than 14.2 hands.
Position the WeighTape around your horse as in the picture. The WeighTape should lie obliquely from just behind his elbows to over the lowest point of his withers. Lightly tighten the WeighTape around the horse and read the weight from where the green, free end of the WeighTape finishes.
2. To use the formula:
Place the WeighTape around the horse's girth and note the length in centimeters.
Then measure the length from the point of shoulder to the point of the buttock (tuber ischii) keeping the WeighTape against the contour of the horse's side.
Regular use of the WeighTape will help you keep your horse or pony at the correct weight and alert you if his weight begins to creep up. Remember to keep your animal at low risk from laminitis he should be at Conditon Score 2½ to 3.
This means that you cannot see the ribs but should be able to feel them easily when you run your hand along his side. There should be no fat depots along the crest, loins, tailhead or around the udder or sheath. Such depots are an early sign that your animal is developing insulin resistance and becoming at high risk of developing laminitis.